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Tales told by the son of Kenya - Aggrey Chepkwony Sambay

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This book is the first in a generation of books painting the story of a fictional world that is also laced with non-fictional tales. It shows how corrupt the government officials are and how dangerous they are to their citizens. The format and flow are one of a kind and, above all, this is the first fictional novel in Kenya that vividly paints the country’s "traits" without fear of any repercussions.
he stories revolve around a chemical research plant that was privately owned by individuals and professors but later sold to the government. The research plant becomes a government project and it is decided to keep on the previous employees. Two of these are professors, Taylor and Benson, the most recognized professors of all time. As the research project monopolizes the country’s economic market, the two employees return and retrieve the secret research chemical warfare documents they had started work on in the early nineties, and bring this project back to life.

This is a science fiction book based around Kenya’s political campaigns in which prominent members of parliament set up plants to manufacture genetically modified agricultural products and drugs for sale on the black market. Only one person was able to investigate the crime going on. During this struggle, there were many killings, betrayals, exile, bloodshed, assassination, scum, romance and of course political wars—and one story leads to many tales.
Tales told by the son of Kenya - Aggrey Chepkwony Sambay
  • $9.00