La mariquita malhumorada The grouchy ladybug board book (Spanish edition) by Eric Carle
La mariquita malhumorada The grouchy ladybug board book (Spanish edition) by Eric Carle
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This high-quality Spanish-language edition of Eric Carle's The Grouchy Ladybug can be enjoyed by fluent Spanish speakers as well as those learning the language, whether at home or in a classroom.
For many years, La mariquita malhumorada ha deleitado to los pequeños readers y oyentes. Our audacious drawings and our humorous texts relate the history of a tiny husband, like no other.
The unhappy mariquita no acostumbraba to decide “por favor” nor “gracias”; no le gustaba compartir nada; thought that it would be bigger and more important than before; There is already a list to provoke a fight.
From continued action and attractive pages, this story invites children to explore the concepts of time, sizes, formats and good modes. Learn, to be entertained, with the cuento de cómo esta malhumorada fanfarrona se encuentra con "la horma de su zapato" y se convierte en un insecto bueno y educado.
Reprinted, using original illustrations, La mariquita malhumorada , more attractive than ever, continues to be one of the favorite books of children for their originality and their beauty.
Eric Carle favorites in Spanish include / Eric Carle favoritos en español incluyen
Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother, Too? / ¿El canguro tiene mamá?
From Head to Toe / From the head to the pies
The Grouchy Ladybug / La mariquita malhumorada